Google DialogFlow | Whole New World of Chat-bots

You will be wondering what is DialogFlow? Here in this blog, I will be introducing you to Google’s Dialogflow | Whole New world of Chat-bots in a matter of few minutes, from usage to advantages everything is written for you.

What is DialogFlow ?

Early Chat-Bots

You must be aware of chatbots which are commonly used in today’s customer service departments and most of the repetitive tasks are handled by A-I agents. Almost every website uses chatbots for answering common queries asked by users but there is a problem with this kind of chatbot. If you build from scratch it requires a large number of resources furthermore pre-available bots by most of the websites are not very intelligent and can be easily stuck if the target keywords are not used directly.

DialogFlow Vs Random chatbot

Google DialogFlow comes for the rescue here!

DialogFlow Is here for Help!


Let’s not bore you with the history that it was founded by Google in 2010 and the other technical details.

Google DialogFlow is A-I based cloud service for building conversational chatbots and agents for your business platform automating the most repetitive tasks using the advanced NLP dataset of google. Makes your chatbot highly trained and highly customizable. DialogFlow can handle a large number of queries and on top of that, it can do friendly conversation which conventional chatbots were lacking previously. The cherry on the top is that you can build and deploy your chatbot in just a few minutes without much effort.

Video Guide For Google Dialogflow | New world of Chat-bots

If you want to learn how to build and deploy here is a video guide for you.

Building a chatbot is way easier than before and this is just because of a large dataset of google that is growing frequently with every second. It provides a simple U.I interface for its users so that even a newbie can go with the flow.

why you should start using DialogFlow for building Chatbots?

Let me give you 5 quick reasons, why you should start using DialogFlow for building Chatbots

5 Reasons that make the difference

Below are the reasons which will answer your queries and further help you to have a better understanding of Dialogflow along with its benefits that make it stand out in the competition.

#1 A.I

Dialogflow works with cutting-edge A. I based Natural Language Processing Algorithm which makes easier query understanding and satisfactory chat replies by the bot. Along with that, the algorithm is continuously trained with every query asked. It will behave even better whenever a similar query is asked. The keywords are stored and then answers accordingly whenever the same keyword is used in the conversation and being smart enough it will the algorithm understand the intent of the query and reply accordingly.

#2 Go with the flow

Google made it easier for non-technical users to easily learn and start using DialogFlow. It not only provides a friendly interface but also provides pre-built bots to customize and use for their niche.

#3 Multi-platform support

One of the key features that make it better than any other chatbot is its multi-platform support. Corporates used to develop multiple bots for multiple platforms and most of the bots provided by social media platforms were too basic that were not fulfilling requirements and were a waste of resources after all.

#4 End-to-end management

You can manage everything in a single dashboard provided by Dialogflow. You can build and deploy the state-of-the-art bot for multiple platforms concurrently with ease in just a few minutes.

#5 High-End Conversation Control

The User has full control of the conversation, which means he can use list options to guide users directly to their intent. Now that is what all customer care departments wanted.

You can directly create lists of services so that the user goes through the desired funnel and reach its destiny. The feedback will be good enough so that your boss will give a pat on the back.

Further reading:

Here are some reading suggestions for you:




About the author


Hey, I'am Harshit Roy, a programmer with an obsession of learning new things, this blog is dedicated to helping people to learn programming fun way by creating projects

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